Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas Eve Feast of the Seven Fishes

Sorry I haven't blogged in a few weeks.    

December was more hectic than I could have ever imagined.   Trying to entertain has been very difficult since my husband passed away.  Christmas of 2013 was our first without him. That Christmas was actually easier since we were still pretty much in mourning mode the entertaining was on a much smaller scale.

This year my daughter was begging for the Christmas Eve Feast of the Seven Fishes to be grand again.  The whole thing was very difficult to navigate without my husband's help.  We were a good team as we had done this dinner so many times together.  My daughter is growing up and she is trying hard to take over some of the work.  My sons are older and don't live with me anymore but they too were an invaluable asset when it came to last minute errands.  With proper planning and rest I'm happy to say we got it all done.

In the end it was all worth it to see my children and family smile.  The holidays are really a time for family.  Sorry that my blog and Youtube families had to take a back seat.  a  

You'll find links to most of the dessert videos at the end of the Christmas Eve Vlog video.

And there are more videos to come for some of the recipes that I haven't covered yet.

May 2015 be a happy prosperous year for us all.

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