
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Gluten Free Funnel Cake

Gluten Free Funnel Cake

If you've been on a gluten free diet for while then you've probably suffered funnel cake envy on more than one occasion.  There’s not a boardwalk, amusement park or carnival around where the smell of this deep fried delight doesn't fill the air. And I understand how unbearable it can be to watch those hot crispy funnel cakes being torn apart and enjoyed until nothing remains but an oil soaked plate and few sprinkles of powdered sugar. 

Don’t worry my gluten free comrades, today we’ll vanquish the pain.  Today I’ll show you just how easy it is to make gluten free funnel cakes at home.  Now I know it will be hard to believe my next statement but try to keep an open mind. 

These funnel cakes are actually better than the ones you can get at the carnival.   

You see unlike great bread, you don’t need gluten for a spectacular funnel cake.  And these cakes are being fried in fresh oil.  The ones being made at the fair or amusement park are most likely being fried in oil that has been frying stuff all day if not all week. 

The result of doing it yourself is a funnel cake that is not only tastes better but is infinitely cheaper as well.  And that includes the price of the funnel.  (see notes) 

I can’t wait until you try this one.  I know you’ll be as just thrilled as I was with the result.

Funnel Cake
Prep time: 10 min
Cook time: 5 -6 min each
Servings: 2 large funnel cakes

  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup gluten free self-rising flour (or gluten free Bisquick)
  • vegetable oil (enough to fill a 10 inch pan with ¾ inch)
  • confectioner’s sugar (to dust the cakes)
 Video Tutorial

  1. Whisk the egg and granulated sugar together until they’re pretty well combined. 
  2. Add the milk and vanilla extract and mix until homogenous.
  3. Add the gluten free self-rising flour and whisk until you've got a smooth pourable batter.
  4. Preheat enough vegetable oil to fill the pan about ¾ of an inch deep. (365°F   or    185°C)
  5. To test the oil if you don’t have a thermometer, put a drop of the batter into the oil.  If the batter sizzles and rises fairly quickly, the oil should be hot enough to funnel in the batter. (see funnel info in the notes)
  6. Fill the funnel with about ¾ of a cup of batter which is about the amount needed for one large cake.
  7. While adding the batter to the hot oil, I like to start in the center and spiral quickly towards the outer rim of the pan then zigzag back and forth to connect all the concentric rings so that we’ll be able to flip this later.
  8. Fry for 3-5 minutes on the first side or until it gets to a deep golden brown and when the bubbling action starts to lessen noticeably it’s usually time to carefully flip it.
  9. Fry for 2-3 minutes on the second side, remove it from the pan, drain on paper towels, dust with powdered sugar and serve.    
  1. To make the funnel cakes I used a funnel with a little stopper in the bottom that’s typically used to fill candy molds.  The one I used can be found HERE at Amazon.
  2. While filling the funnel with batter I find it convenient to have a glass ready where I can set the funnel as I’m filling.  And you’ll want to look for a glass with a small enough opening that it doesn't slide too far up the funnel and push up that plunger release mechanism which would have your batter running out all over the place.  


  1. Wow!!! Funnel Cake for the win. Just made this and it tastes and smells like the real deal. Thank you so much for this recipe.

  2. THANK YOU FOR THIS RECIPE!!! It turned out phenomenal!
