
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cocozia Coconut Water Review and Tropical Smoothie Recipe

Cocozia Tetra Pak

Have you gotten onto the coconut water band wagon yet?  I love the stuff.  It seems like natures perfect drink.  I was already a big fan of coconut water when Cocozia asked me if I'd like to try theirs.  Who would say no?

Coconut water is touted by most health and fitness gurus as nature's finest sport's drink.  I've even read that it was used as an IV solution during World War II although I'm not sure if the claims are true.  What I do know is that it's naturally gluten free, rich in magnesium, potassium and other electrolytes that are easily absorbed by the human body.  

Cocozia seems to be a cut above the rest since the water is certified organic, kosher, contains no GMO's or preservatives and is fair trade licensed.  I love when a company promotes fair trade.  The tetra packaging is fantastic.  It's BPA free and has a convenient retractable straw as well as a pull tab for easy pouring into a glass or blender.

But how does it taste?

Some might say that coconut water is an acquired taste. I'm not sure if I agree because I acquired a taste for it rather quickly. If you are not familiar with coconut water, you can't go into it thinking Pina Colada or you may be highly disappointed.   Think of it more as an icy cold glass of water with a light hint of coconut and a slightly earthy or imperceptibly salty undertone.   And Cocozia tastes crisper and cleaner than most of the brands I've tried. And it's crystal clear without any type of pulp floating around in the liquid.

The only thing I don't like about coconut water is how pricey it can be as compared to cheap artificial sports drinks.  You can check it out at Amazon HERE. 

But in all fairness it certainly costs more to harvest water from a coconut than it does to add a bunch of fake ingredients and fluorescent dyes to a bottle of water then call it a sports drink.  I cringe when I see an athlete downing a standard bottle of the brightly colored liquid. 

But even with everything that coconut water has going for it, my 12 year old daughter is just not a fan.  My regular readers know what a picky eater she is.  But she loves the smoothies I make with Cocozia.  Below you'll find the recipe for her favorite tropical variety.  

Cocozia is a winner in every sense of the word.  The plain variety is my favorite but I think I'm going to pick up some of their other flavors to see if I can convert my daughter. I think their website said they have chocolate, pineapple, and mango available. I'll have to check again.  If you want to check out their latest flavors, check out the Cocozia website HERE.

The Cocozia Tropical Smoothie
Prep time: 10 min

  • 1 carton of Cocozia coconut water (11.1 oz chilled)
  • 1 chopped frozen banana
  • 4 ice cubes of frozen crushed pineapple
  • 2 tbsp almond meal

Video Tutorial

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.  

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