
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Udi's Gluten Free Pepperoni Pizza Review

Udi's Pepperoni Pizza Review

Udi’s is beyond a doubt one of the biggest names out there specializing in prepackaged gluten free foods.  I frequently turn to their bread when I don’t have the time to bake.  Beyond their many varieties of bread, Udi’s also produces muffins, bagels, cookies, granola and other goodies.  I typically don’t purchase the sweet treats since it’s just so easy to whip up gluten free goodies at a fraction of the cost.  Several years ago Udi’s introduced pizza crusts to their line then later added frozen pizza to the mix.  I’ve seen both Margherita and Pepperoni pizzas at my local Shoprite.  I’m not sure whether or not there may be other varieties out there.     

This review focuses on their Pepperoni pizza.  At my local south Philly store the pizza will set you back $7.99 which is pretty pricey for a 10 ounce pie.  In all fairness however the higher price is par for the course with gluten free products.  The size of the pizza is a little disappointing measuring about 8 ½ inches in diameter which is slightly smaller than an average sized dinner plate.  The serving size is listed as ½ the pizza and clocks in at 350 calories.  I’ll tell you right now, I’d be starving if I ate half this pie as a meal.  If I were you, I’d think of this as more of a personal pizza.

I prepared it according to the package instructions as you can see in the video below but found it to be too soggy to remove from the oven so I tacked on another 3 minutes to the bake time.  If I were to buy the pizza again I’d tack 5 minutes to the bake time because I love a crispier pizza.  I ate half to pie and gave the other half to my 12 year old daughter to review.  She loved everything about it but the size.  As a frame of reference, she also likes Ellios.  You can check out her reactions first hand at the end of the review video below.  I thought that she would be more a little more critical since she's not gluten free and frequently goes out for "real" pizza with relatives.  Her only real criticism was the size. 

My main criticism was the fact that the cooking instructions left me with a soggy pie.  It's a minor complaint that is easily fixed with a few extra minutes in the oven.  The overall taste was pretty good for a frozen pizza.  The pepperoni was a little salty but not overwhelming.  The product matched the cover of the box pretty closely.  Of course I wish the pizza was bigger or the price was lower or dare I say both.  Since my hubby passed away last year, raising a daughter on own has left me on a tighter food budget than I might like.  Most of us are struggling a little in today’s economy.  At this point in my life, I just don’t have the luxury of spending $8.00 on a pizza of this size when I could buy the ingredients to make homemade gluten free pizza that’s even better at a far lower price.  If you've got the money to spend or lack the time to make your own pizza, I’d recommend this as a good alternative to satisfy you cravings without much effort. 

Review Video:


1 comment:

  1. This is one of the better blogs i've seen for [Gluten free pizza] with lots of information and tips...thanks for sharing such information..
    Gluten free pizza
