
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Steel Cut Oats with Apples and Walnuts

Steel Cut Oats with Apples and Walnuts

Steel Cut Oats are a great way to start the day but they take some time to make.  Many of us don’t have an extra 15 to 25 minutes in the morning to make this heartier variety for breakfast.  But with a simple prep the night before, this quick cooking method will have you enjoying them in just 5 minutes in the morning.  Steel cut oats are just another name for sliced oat groats but these plump little grains take longer to cooked than rolled oats.   Rolled takes it a step further than steel cut by steaming them then rolling them flat so they cook fast.  But what you gain in convenience is lost in the mushy compromised texture.  Oats themselves are naturally gluten free but they’re often grown and processed in areas where they can become contaminated so if you’re following a gluten free diet be sure your oats are certified gluten free.  I usually stick with Bob's Red Mill's Steel Cut Oats.

Steel Cut Oats with Apples and Walnuts
Prep time: 5 min
Cook time: 5 min

Ingredients (1 Serving)
  • ½ cup of the oats
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • ¾  cup water
  • ¾ cup milk
  • 1 apple (peeled and diced)
  • ¼ cup walnuts
  • cinnamon (to taste)

Video Tutorial

  1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add the oats and stir to get them coated then toast them for 2 minutes. 
  2. Add ¾ of a cup of water and bring it up to a boil.
  3. Once it reaches the boiling point, turn off the heat, add the apple, cover and refrigerate overnight after the pot comes to room temperature.  The next morning all the liquid will be absorbed and the oats will be softened.
  4. Add ¾ cup of milk or whatever liquid you like, put it back on a medium heat, and add the walnuts and cinnamon. 
  5. After 5 minutes the oatmeal will have thickened and be ready to serve. I tucked in a little piece of butter topped it with a few more walnuts, a little more cinnamon, and some maple syrup.      


  1. This is the best way to enjoy steel cut oats, very convenient for a busy morning.
    I have not tried it with apples, but now I will definitely give it a try.
